How can we reduce the risks of muscular pain?
Every time we attempt to do something for the first time, we risk muscular pain occuring.
Say for example you have never gone for an hour long walk before and you decide that in order to get fit, you are going to go for an hour long walk every evening from this moment on.
Or in a bid to cut costs you are going to do your own gardening and house cleaning rather than paying someone else to do it for you.
What is going to happen is that muscles, ligaments, tendons and your skeleton structure that are used to doing certain things in a certain way are going to become stressed and we are likely to experience muscular pain as a result.
How can we reduce the risks of muscular pain?
- Start slowly.
- If you are not used to walking, start with 10 minutes. Once your body gets used to doing 10 minutes add another 5 until such time you are walking for your desired time.
If you are planning on reducing costs and completing your own gardening and housework it might be a good idea to reduce the number of times you outsource these jobs so you can ease yourself into the tasks.
Unfortunately most of us go all out and end up "over doing it" causing us to suffer from muscular pain. So what can you do once you have muscular pain?
There are many excellent treatments for muscular pain. One of the easiest is to keep doing the activity that caused the pain in the first place just at a reduced rate until such time as your body gets used to doing it. But for more immediate and effective relief we can use a combination of acupuncture, remedial chinese massage and traditional chinese medicine.
Any of these on their own or in combination for faster, more effective treatment can reduce or eliminate muscular pain.